作者: vinata (餵鈉它) 看板: ataniv
a back seat driver 專愛指點司機如何開車的乘客
a big bear hug 抱得很緊
a bit trying 有點苦惱
a cap and gown 畢業典禮的禮服
a cup of Java 一杯咖啡
a dead battery 汽車電瓶沒電了
a good shot 照相的取景很出色
a hangover from the old days 遺留下來的老習慣
a knockout 引人注目
a little too tight 緊了一點
a man of few words 沈默寡言的人
a popular moment 舞會中大家都來到了的時間
a rainy day 不如意的日子
a scorcher 一個大熱天
a steady 一個固定的異性朋友
a tall milk shake 一大杯奶昔
A toast everyone. 敬大家一杯酒.
a two-year hitch in the army 兩年的兵役
a wet blanket 掃興的人
above board 光明正大的
absent-minded professor 無頭蒼蠅;做事心不在焉者
after all 畢竟
After while, crocodile. 一會見
after you 你先請
all along 始終;一貫
all at sea 茫然不知所措
all bark and no bite 只動口,不動手的人
all burnt up 怒火中燒
all dressed up 穿的很漂亮
all ears 全神貫注地聽;愕然
all for it 完全同意
all gone 消逝;丟失
all in 疲倦
all in a day's work, be 司空見慣
all in all 總而言之
all my eye 豈有此理;胡說八道
all out 全力以赴;全賣光了
all over 完了
all right 一點不錯
all set 準備好了
All set? Not yet. 都弄好了嗎?還沒呢.
all the better 更好
all the same 雖然如此;並無分別
all the world and his wife 人人;諸色人等
all there 神志清醒的;沒有問題的
all thumbs 笨手笨腳的;一竅不通的
all turn out 如願以償
all woman 最標準的女性
all you have to do 你只要
always the case 常常如此
ambulance chaser 唯利是圖的低級律師
And how! 當然啦!
ants in one's pants(skirt) 坐立不安
any way 究竟
anything under the sun 普天下任何事情
apeal to sb 對某人有吸引力
appeal to sb 取悅某人
apple-polish 逢迎;討好
apply for 申請
Are you all packed? 你行李收拾好了嗎?
Are you done? 你吃飽了嗎?
Are you kidding? 你在開玩笑吧?
Are you telling me? 用你來告訴我嗎?
Are you with me? 你懂我的意思嗎?
as a rule 通常來說
as luck would have it 真走運或不走運
as mod as sb 與某人一樣時髦
as the saying goes 常言道
at first blush 乍看
at hand 近旁;在手旁
at issue 爭論中
at loose ends 無職業;不安定
at my expense 由我出錢
at odds 爭執
at one's finger's tips 了如指掌
at one's service 隨時提供服務
at one's wit's end 不知所措
at one's wits' end 志窮計盡
at sixes and sevens 混亂的
at stake 在危險中
at the drop of a hat 馬上
at times 有時;偶然
at your disposal 聽你的
aware of, be 瞭解
B.T.O. (big time operator) 遊手好閒的人
babes and suckings 天真而缺乏經驗者
baby-kisser ?達到競選目的出盡八寶的政客
bachelor party 單身會
back and forth 來來去去
back at the farm 言歸正傳
back number 過期的雜誌;守舊派
back on one's feet 經受打擊後重新站起來
back out 食言
backseat driver 指手劃腳的人
bad egg(lot) 壞蛋
bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人
bake down 臨陣退縮
barking up the wrong tree 攻擊錯了目標
barter away 以較便宜的價格出售
bawl out 責?
Be a good sport! 不要婆婆媽媽的!
be nuts 傻裏傻氣
be off 走吧;滾蛋
Be off! 滾開!
be on the wagon 喝酒
bear in mind 牢記在心
beat around the bush 說話繞圈子
beat it 走開
beat one's brains (out) 傷透了腦筋
beat sb by miles 遠遠勝過
beat, be 太累了
beef about 抱怨
beef up 加強
before you are scheduled to leave 在你決定離開之時間前
Before you could say Jack Robinson 很快
before you know it 很快
behave yourself 請檢點一點
behind bars 坐牢
behind one's back 背後
behind the scenes(curtain) 在幕後
behind the times 不合時宜
behind time 誤期
believe it or not 信不信由你
benefit from 從中得到
best-seller 暢銷書、唱片等
bet it is 當然是
better half 老婆
better luck next time 下次好運些吧
better than, be 比...多;多於
between my ribs and my back bone 肚子
beyond one's reach of 超出支付能力
beyond sb, be 使某人無法理解
big bluffer 吹牛者
bite one's head off 大發脾氣
black and blue 遍體鱗傷
black sheep 不肖子女
blame sb for sth ?某事責備某人
bleed white 花光血汗錢
blind alley 死胡同;失敗之路
blood in one's eye 極度憤怒
bloody fool (B.F.) 蠢材
blow hot and cold 喜怒無常
Blow it! 他媽的!
blow off steam 發脾氣
blow one's own horn 自吹自擂
blow one's top 怒髮衝冠
blow up 表現失常;吹風
body and breeches 完全
boil down to 歸結起來是;其結果是
boiling point 愛情的沸點
bolt from the blue 晴天霹靂
bone up on 努力研讀
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth 出生富貴
born yesterday 乳臭未乾
bottoms up 乾杯
Bottoms up! 乾杯!
brain storm 心血來潮
brand new 嶄新的
break down 故障;毀壞
break in 適合
break it off 吹了
break one's heart 使某人心碎
break one's neck 痛打一頓;拼命做某事
break the ice 打破僵局;打破沈默
break the routine 調劑一下
bred in the bone 天生的;個性的
bring back the good old days 回憶昔日好時光
bring down the house 掌聲雷動
bring me up-to-date 告訴我最新消息
bring sb to date 使某人掌握最先進東西
brotherly impulse 激動手足的情分
brush off (男女之間)甩;撇開
brush up on sth 復習,重新學習
buck up 振作起來
bull dog 難以相處的人
burn a hole in one's pocket 花錢如流水
burn one's bridges behind one 不留後路
burn one's fingers 碰釘子
burn the midnight oil 熬夜讀書
bury one's head in the sand 不敢面對現實
bury the hatchet 捐棄前嫌
Business is business. 公事公辦
busy-body 好管閒事和多嘴的人
buy things on time 分期付款買東西
buy your story 相信你的話
buying bargains 買廉價貨
by all means 務必
by and by 逐漸;慢慢地
by fair means or foul 不擇手段
By golly! (By Gum!) 天呀!
by hook or by crook 不擇手段
by the look of you 從你的樣子看來
call back 再打電話
call it a day 今天到此?止
call it off 取消
call off 取消
call one names 用污穢語言罵人
call the shots 發號施令;管事
call up 打電話
calling at this early hour 一大早就打電話
Can you stop by? 你能來嗎?
can't afford to have 買不起
can't be helped 避免不了
can't be wrong 錯不了
can't get away with it 逃不掉
can't help it 愛莫能助
can't stand it any longer 再也無法忍受
Capital idea! 好主意!
carry coals to Newcastle 多此一舉;徒勞無功
carry sth too far 做事超出限度
carry the torch 單相思
cast away 扔掉
cast down 沮喪
caste eyes at 注視;打主意
castle in the air 空中樓閣
catch on to 理解
catch one's breath 喘口氣
catch up on sth 補上某事
catch up with 迎頭趕上
caught red-handed, be 犯罪活動的當場被抓住
chain smoker 煙癮大的人
change hands 轉手
change my opinion of you 我對你的看法改變一下
cheap joints 下流地方
check out 辦清離開手續;借書;調查
check up on 校對
cheer up 振作;鼓勵
chew the rag 嘮叨不斷
chip in 集資;捐款
clean sweep 全勝
clean the house for sb 和某人算帳
clock watcher 盼望下班的人
close shave (close call) 千鈞一髮
coast is clear 沒有危險了
coin a neat phrase 話說得很恰當
cold fish 冷酷無情的人
Columbus discovered America 陳年舊事
come about 發生
come across 偶然遇見
come along with 隨同
come and get it 試試拿走它吧
come down with 病倒
come in 起作用;有份
come in handy 遲早有用
come into the world 出世
come off it 吹牛皮
come on 別這樣
come on 來吧!(提醒、催促)
come on strong 非常積極的給人以好印象
come out right 事情進展順利
come out with 說出
come right over 這就來了
come through 交出;成功
come to naught 成?泡影
come to terms 達成協定
come to the point 說話切題
come up with sth 想出某事
come what may 無論發生什?事
contribute to sth 有助於
cook up a story 編出慌話騙人
cool off 冷卻下來
cooling my heels waiting for her 翹首以待
crash the gate 不請自來的客人
crazy like a fox 裝瘋;裝模作樣
cross my heart 感發誓;不騙人
cross the bridge when one comes to it 既來之則安之
cross with, be 不高興
cry quits 放棄;承認失敗
cry wolf 狼來了;發出假警報
cup of tea 喜歡而又會做之事
cut corners 超近路;以簡捷方式做事
cut down on 削減
cut it out 夠了!算了
cut of the woods 脫離危險期
cut out 戒掉壞習慣
cut sb down to size 揭穿某人的底細
cut sb off 把電話挂斷.
cut sth out 阻止;停止;故障;占上風
cut throat 害人的
cut-and-dried 事先準備好的;枯燥無味的
dark horse 黑馬;冷門
darn it 真討厭
dating yourself before your time 老气橫秋
day in and day out 夜以繼日
day off 放假日
day-dream 白日夢
daylight robbery 價錢貴到離譜
days are numbered 生存時日屈指可數
dead beat(tired) 爛醉如泥
dead dog 沒用的人
dead easy 易如反掌
dead serious 認真得不得了
dead sure(certain) 極之肯定
dead to the world 睡得很香
dear Jone letter 絕交信
deep southern drawl 拉長語調的南方口音
definte word 確定的消息
deliver the goods 完成工作
Did you fall heir to a gold mine? 你是否遇見了金礦的小老闆?
die with one's boots on 死在工作崗位上
die-hard 冥頑不靈
dilly-dally 吊兒浪當
dine out 出外吃飯
dirty dog 卑鄙小人
discuss sth over a coke 邊喝可樂邊談某事
dish water 毫無味道
distance makes the heart grow fonder 時間會使感情加深
do a little sightseeing 逛逛
do all the talking 會議上只有一個人講話
do my own laundry 自己(用洗衣機)洗衣服
do one good 對某人有好處
do over 重做;粉刷
do sth about it 想想辦法
Do you get me? 明白嗎?
doesn't count 不算
doesn't make sense 不合邏輯
dog's life 悲慘的生活
Don't be silly! 別傻啦!
Don't be such a baby! 不要那樣孩子氣
Don't mention it. 別客氣,不算什?.
Don't tease me. 別開玩笑了.
Don't think I'll have much use for that. 這對我沒有多大用處.
Don't you feel guilty? 你不覺得罪過嗎?
Don't you know that yet? 你還不知道嗎?
done time 老資格(貶義)
double crosser 出賣朋友的人
down in the dumps 愁眉苦臉
down in the mouth 愁眉苦臉
down on one's luck 倒楣
down payment 分期付款的定金
Down the hatch! 乾杯!
drag sb through the mud 拖人下水
draw on 依照;依據
draw up 草擬;準備
drooling around her all the time 一直對她垂涎三尺
drop by 順道拜訪
drop dead 去你的
drop in on sb 拜訪某人
drop it 停止吧
drop it off 把它放到...
drop me a line 寫信給我
drop out 退學
drop sb a line 給某人寫信
drop sb off 讓某人下車
drop the ball 犯錯誤
duck soup 易如反掌之事
dull book 沈悶的書
dumb bell 笨蛋
dumb Dora 傻女
Dump her! 甩掉她!
dwell on 考慮;不斷地說
early bird 集會早到的人
easier said than done 說來容易做時難
easy come easy go 來得容易去得快(特指錢)
Easy does it -- when you can. 慢慢來,盡力而?.
eat one's hat 趕打賭,非常確定
eat one's head off 食量驚人
eat one's heart out 傷心異常,因此消瘦
eat one's words 承認錯誤
eat out 出外吃飯
egg money 私房錢
egghead 書呆子
either make or break 不成功,便成人
eleventh hour 最後關頭
end up 結束
enough of it 夠了,停止吧
enough to wake the dead 震耳欲聾
Every cloud has a silver lining. 黑雲過後,陽光燦爛
every dog has his day 瓦片也有翻身時
every now and then 不時地;有時
every once in a while 偶爾
every so often 偶然
every Tom, Dick and Harry 張三李四
everyone is for himself 自己顧自己
everything goes to the dogs 一切都完了
face the music 接收懲罰;面對困難
faculty and staff 教職員
faculty members 教職員
fair and square 忠誠與坦白
fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友
fall behind 落後;失利
fall for look 女人愛漂亮
fall out with 爭吵
fall through 失敗;毀滅
family man 有家室之人
far from, be 遠不是
fast one 一搭就上的(男人或女人)
Fat chance! 不太可能的事!
fat hangovers 好厲害的醉後頭疼
fat-head 人頭豬腦
favorite son 被自己一州擁護的候選人
fed sb a big line 對某人說了個大謊.
fed up (with) 對某事厭倦
fed up with, be 感到厭倦
feel free 隨便...
feel like 很想要
feel up to 能勝任
feeling in the pink 覺得愉快
feminine type 女人氣質的
few and far between 難能可貴
fifty-fifty 五五支付
fight it out 據理力爭;武力解決
figure out 考慮出;想出
fill in for 代替
fill out 填表
find a sugar daddy 找到一個有錢的老頭子
find a way out 找出一條出路
fire sale 減價出售
first in line 隊伍中排第一名
fish in troubled waters 混水摸魚;趁火打劫
fish story 荒唐無比的故事
fix up 修理
flat tire 沒精打采
flicker out 過去了
fly by 飛逝
fly off the handle 平時有教養的人突然失去常態
fold up 破?
following sb's footsteps 效法;繼承
fool around with 與不三不四的人鬼混
fooling around 閒逛
for all I know 據我所知
for good 永遠地
for good and all 永遠
for nothing 免費
for one thing (插入語)但是
for sale 出售
for the love of Mike 夢想不到
for the time being 暫時;目前
forget it 沒關係
Forget it. 算了.
four-letter words 罵人語;四字真言
frame up 栽贓陷害
free hand 全權處理
frightened to death 嚇死了
from A to Z 從頭到尾
from scratch 從頭開始
from the look of sb 從某人的外表看來
full charge of 全權負責
full of bull 胡言亂語
full to the brim (吃得)滿到喉頭
fuss over 焦慮
gain weight 長胖了
get a big kick 玩得很開心
get a check cashed 支票兌現
get a move on! 快點!
get a nerve 膽子大
get across 說明;達成;克服
get all in a panic 驚恐
get all up tight 緊張到極點
get along with 相處融洽
get around 有辦法應付局面
get away with 成功;逃避懲罰
get behind 支援
get cold feet 沮喪;臨陣退縮
get cracking 快點!
get down to 開始處理
get down to business 辦正經事
get even 報復
get going 開始;動手;趕快
get hooked on sth 被某事迷住了
get in touch with 和...聯絡
get it over with 趕快把事情做妥當
get lost 迷失
get mad at 對某人生氣
get me down 令我生氣
get nothing on me 尚未找到證據
get nowhere 一事無成
get off on the wrong foot 開始就亂了步驟
get off the ground 進行順利;剛開始
get on the ball 機靈些;敏捷些
get one wrong 誤會某人
get one's goat 故意?難
get out of the bed on the wrong side 脾氣好的人突然變得難以相處
get over 完成;復原;超越
get pinched 失手;落網
get rid of 幹掉;擺脫
get rolling 開始;動手
get rusty 技術、頭腦等生疏
get sb by the neck 捉住
get somewhere 有所成就
get sth off one's chest 把心中的話講出來
get sth straight 辦好;搞通;瞭解
get stuck ?錨;進入僵局
get the bulge on 佔優勢;勝過;欺詐
get the drop on 先發制人
get the green light 得到...許可
get the picture 明白某種情形
get the sack 被解雇
get through 到達;辦完;通過;花光
get through to 使理解;打通電話
get together again 破鏡重圓
get up the courage 鼓起勇氣
get what's coming to one 咎由自取
get wise to 瞭解;明白
get with it 快點!
girl of the old school 守舊的女性
give a lift 讓...搭車
give away 泄露;贈送
give credit for sb 歸功於某人
give him the dose of his own medicine 以其人之道還治其人之身
give it a try 償一償吧
give it to one straight 坦白地告訴某人
give me a minute 請等一等
give me headache 令我頭痛
give one the air 一刀兩斷
give one the ax 開除
give one the brush 對人冷淡;把人?棄
give one the eye 眉目傳情
give other one's word 向人保證
give sb a black eye 打某人一頓
give sb a break 給某人一個改過的機會
give sb a buzz 打電話給某人
give sb a dirty look 對某人瞪一眼
give sb a free hand 放手讓某人幹一件事
give sb a lift 讓某人搭車
give sb a piece of one's mind 罵某人一頓
give sb a ride 讓某人搭車
give sb a ring 打電話給...
give sb enough rope 讓某人自食其果
give sb hell 冷嘲熱諷
give sb some of his own medicine 以其人之道還治其人之身
give sb the cold shoulder 冷淡對待
give sb the go-by 對某人的存在熟視無睹
give sb the green light 允許
give sth away for nothing 不是白送的
give up 放棄
glad eye ?媚眼
go a long way 有用
go about 從事
go ahead 說吧
go all out doing sth 竭盡全力
go around with a chip on one's shoulder 到處尋釁
go at it 努力奮鬥
go broke 破?
go down 下降;被記錄下來
go down the drain 前功盡棄;白費心機
go downhill 每況愈下
go Dutch 各自付帳
go easy 節省一點;少用一些
go fly a kite 滾開
go for 努力求得;想要
go get them 動手吧
go into 深入討論
go on 繼續;接近
go on a bender 喝酒喧嘩
go on the horse 快一點吧
go over 研究;檢查
go steady 確定戀愛關係
go through 細查;經歷
go through with 完成
go to pieces 破成碎片
go up in the air 怒火沖天
go with everything 與任何東西都相配
go-between 中間人;嫁人
God knows. 天曉得.
God, what's the world comming to? 天哪,這世界變成什?樣子?
gold brick 偷懶的人
gold digger 掘金女郎
gone with the wind 隨風而逝
good buy 價廉物美的東西
good for nothing 毫無用處的
good to the last drop 滴滴香濃
good turn 好意
goof off 逃學;不盡職
got it? 明白了嗎?
Got you. 照片拍好了.
Great minds think alike! 英雄所見略同.
hand in 交出;提出
hand out 分發;分配
hands are full 很忙
hands are tied 權利有限,不能隨意行動
hang around 常常光顧一個地方
Hang it all! 豈有此理
hang on to it 繼續下去
hang on to sth 繼續使用某物
hang up 挂斷電話
happy go lucky 樂天派
hard nut to crack 難以對付的女人
hard of hearing 稍聾的人
hard on sb, be 對某人嚴厲
hard to say 很難說
Hard to tell. 很難說.
hard up 拮据
hard-boiled egg 難相處的人;利害的傢夥
hard-hearted businessman 斤斤計較的人
have a ball 玩得非常開心
have a big mouth 話多的人
have a bite 咬一口
have a bone to pick with sb 算帳
have a good ear(eye) for 對...有鑒賞力
Have a good time. 好好玩.
Have a good time. 好好玩吧.
have a head on one's shoulders 有智慧
have a heart 可憐我吧
Have a nice trip. 一路順風
have a screw loose 精神有問題
Have a seat. 請坐.
have a surprise for sb 告訴某人一個好消息
have a swelled head 自大
Have fun. 玩得開心.
have good taste 有眼光
have had it 無法忍受
have it both ways 權衡兩方面
have it out with 攤牌
have no leg to stand on 無法證明
have one's hair set 做頭髮
have one's own way 隨心所欲
have some 吃一點吧
have sth on sb 抓住某人的把柄
have the face to do sth 居然有臉做某事
have time off 休假
have words with sb 口角
Have you had enough? 你吃飽了嗎?
have(keep) the run of 自由使用
haven't the slightest idea 毫不知道
having a sale 廉售
He cleaned us out. 他拿走了我們的所有東西.
head and shoulder above sb, be 比某人好
head over heels 完全
heavy date 重要的約會.
help out 幫助解決問題
help yourself 請自便
her cup of tea 很配她,很合她的口味
Here it is. 這就是,在這裏
His bark is worse than his bite. 刀子嘴,豆腐心
his lettle broad 他的女朋友
hit it hard 盡了最大努力
hit it off 相處
hit of the show 表演中最精采的一幕
hit on(upon) 突然想到;巧遇
hit the ball 順利
hit the ceiling(roof) 勃然大怒
hit the high spots 達到高水準
hit the sack 睡覺
hold back 退縮
hold good 有效
hold in the balance 尚未決定
hold it 且慢
hold one's horses 忍耐
hold one's tongue 保持沈默
hold out 堅持到底
hold the line 請勿收線
hold up 舉起;支撐;阻擋
hold water 經得起考驗的;合乎邏輯的
hook up 接洽妥當
Hop in. 上車.
Hope it doesn't cost much. 希望價格不貴.
hors d'oeuvres 飯前點心
hot air 毫無根據的謊言;大話
How am I doing? 你看我做的怎?樣?
How are you making out? 進展怎樣?
how come ?什?
How come? ?什?
How did it come out? 結果如何?
How did it go? 結果如何?
How did you make out? 你進展如何?
How did you swing it? 你怎?對付這件事?
How do I look? 我好看嗎?
How does that sound? 如何?好嗎?
How goes the enemy? 幾點了?
How is that with you? 意下如何?
how on earth 鬼知道;怎?會
how the heck 怎?會
How's that? 怎?樣?
hung one on 大醉
I bet you are right. 我同意你的說法.
I can never thank you enough. 我不知道該怎樣多謝你.
I can't afford to lose... 我丟不起...
I can't believe my eye. 我簡直不敢相信你的眼睛.
I don't buy your story. 我不相信你的話.
I don't care. 我不在乎.
I don't have a slightest idea. 我一點也不知道.
I don't want to be in your shoes. 我不要象你那樣.
I feel the call of nature 內急;急於上廁所
I get them mixed up. 我把它們搞亂了.
I give you my word. 我向你保證.
I have no idea. 我簡直一無所知.
I haven't got the foggiest. 我一點也摸不著頭腦.
I know what I'm doing. 我知道該怎樣做.
I like the way you have. 照你原來的樣子就好了.
I lost you. 我不瞭解你的意思.
I love her something fierce. 我愛她愛得要命.
I may be psychic. 可能是第六感作用.
I mean what I say. 我說的是實話.
I must be in love. 我一定是在談戀愛了.
I was behind my paper correcting. 把改卷子的事耽誤了.
I was fooled by the terms. 我被這些名詞搞糊塗了.
I was starved to death. 我餓死了.
I won't take no for an answer. 你非答應不可.
I would appreciate it. 我非常感謝.
I'd enjoy the company. 我很高興有個伴.
I'll be right over. 我馬上就來.
I'll be right with you. 我馬上就來.
I'll bet... 我敢打賭
I'll give it to you strait. 我坦白對你說吧.
I'll go a couple of rounds with you. 我和你過幾招.
I'll have him call you. 我會叫他打電話給你.
I'll heed your words. 我會考慮你的話.
I'll say. 英雄所見略同
I'll see to it. 我會留意這件事的.
I'll see you home. 我送你回家吧.
I'll take a chance. 我要試試看.
I'll take a raincheck on that. 遲些再談吧.
I'll tell you what. 我有一個主意.
I'm afraid you got the wrong number. 恐怕你弄錯了電話號碼.
I'm all for it. 我全力支援.
I'm beat. 我很累
I'm completely in your hands. 由你作主.
I'm full. 我吃飽了.
I'm getting so big. (孕婦)我肚子越來越大了.
I'm hanged... 我保證沒有...
I'm not broke. 我不是一個錢沒有.
I'm not myself today. 今天我不太舒服.
I'm still in shock. 我還在興奮.
I'm stuffed. 我吃得好飽.
I'm the suave type. 我是書生型的.
I've got to run. 我該走了.
I've thrown in my hat, can the body follow? 我可以進來嗎?
I-love-me fellow 自命不凡的人
I.O.U 我欠你;借據 (I owe you)
if it's all right with you 如果你覺得方便的話...
immediate family 自己人
in a jam 遇到困難;事情搞得一團糟
in a jiffy 一會,馬上
in a lousy mood 心情很壞
in a nutshell 總而言之
in a whole skin 平安地
in at one ear and out at the other 左耳入,右耳出
in charge of 負責管理
- Jul 25 Sat 2009 09:48
[英文] 托福聽力常用短語